Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thank Goodness for This!

Hey y'all! So if any of you guys have ever done the whole sorority thing, you would know how stressful it is getting everything together for rush! I am a senior, and I never in my wildest dreams thought that it would be this stressful.  I've spent the last few days writing handwritten thank you notes, delivering packets, and contacting ladies for recommendations! I never could have ever done this without... Rush Prep.  The woman who runs it, Katy Restrepo, is so sweet and customizes everything for you! All you have to do is fill out the form on her website, and your packet arrives just days later! You just have to send her the check int he mail! The packets are so cute too!  Thank goodness for this....



  1. UGH yes, rush is so stressful!! I remember when I went through four years ago. It's also extremely exciting though! :) Rush Prep looks really helpful.

  2. So glad you have help. I remember being so overwhelmed but loving it
